All posts by Gabriel Licina

Gabriel works as the principle testing consultant for SfM, where he tests the ideas put forth by the Grinding community for functionality and feasibility. He is currently working on various projects within the fields of material sciences, microbiology, and mammalian cell biology.

Extreme Future Tech Two – Techlectric Bugaloo

Post edit notes: I have to say, I had prepared myself for more of the same, bigger, brighter, more extreme. All, filled with all sorts of nutty sales pitches and out there ideas.
This fest was much longer than the others and it shows in my notes. So telling in fact, that I have edited out some of the long stretches.
Now, I’m sorry if someone gets cut out in the edits. The thing is, most of the stuff presented was pretty legit and straightforward. A few VR people, a drone guy, Liz Parrish from BioViva was there again. Amal from Dangerous Things had a great presentation and did an implant on an attendee…

After a long silence: action, interviews, and cool upcoming stuff!

Oh wow. That a long break. Let’s dive straight into it shall we?

Even though I may not be communicating, it doesn’t seem to stop other people from talking with me and that is just great 😀

Here is the link to the latest interview from a group called Science for the People. I like that name, has a familiar ring to it…
I had a great time talking with them. Great podcast about citizen science.

I went to the Extreme Future Tech Fest…

and this is what I learned.

Hi! And welcome to my note dump of the latest conference. Read it, don’t read it. Some of it is funny, some of it is terrible. I am not a nice person. No one pays me to do that thing.

notes! open and obnoxious commentary from the first tech fest.
im the only guy on a laptop. sorry if i’m a jerk.
i am not a nice person, i’m just some guy with a laptop. i’m sure all these people are nice people.

How long will we tell ourselves stories?

Recently on, there has been an influx of religious themed posts. Based on an editor’s note, a bunch of people sent emails to him, asking for it to stop. I find it interesting, but not surprising that no one was willing to post their opinions in the comments section.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but we should all be willing and able to mention that having an opinion does not make it valid.


We’re kaput folks. Splat.
It was an interesting trip, but due to irreconcilable personal differences, Jeffrey and Gabriel have parted ways.

Why should anyone care? Meh, I doubt you really should. Jeffrey is still out in Cali with the medical space. Gabriel is up in Seattle with all the biology tools. Everyone is still working and doing cool stuff. Just not in the same location.

SfM the company no longer exists and anyone other than myself is not associated with the name.