Breakdown of Infrared Radiation

One of the most common concerns about our project to extend human vision into the near infrared goes something like this:

If you’re going to see infrared light, won’t the heat from blood vessels in your eyes prevent you from seeing anything with any clarity at all?


In short, the answer is no. This is a common misconception created by such pop culture phenomena as the Predator film franchise and perpetuated by poorly written popsci articles which use the term “infrared” as a blanket category for any radiant energy longer than 700nm without specifying exactly what range of the radiant spectrum is being discussed.

Interesting news!

Hey there. So, this is cross posted from the site. It has been slightly altered, but I figured everyone should have this little bit of info. It’s pretty cool 🙂

First though, a little bit of bad news. We lost one of our test subjects in the last week :/ Subject C dropped out. We’re bummed, but still feeling positive about the project. Luckily, we were up one from our original protocol, so we are still well within parameters.

SFM Dietary Protocols: Depleting Retinol

SFM Dietary Protocols: Depleting Retinol

Jeffrey Tibbetts

Our project to replace Rhodopsin with Porphyropsin in the human eye in order to affect a shift of the range of light that is perceivable can easily be summed up in three steps: deplete stores of vitamin A, administer A2, and measure the changes that occur. While these summations are valid, they don’t do justice to the intricacies involved in each step. This section discusses the steps taken to deplete retinol levels.


Thank you to everyone who has supported us to get us to this point. If you were part of the crowdfunding, data updates are on Monday. If you still want to support, hit up the PayPal link and always fee free to comment here or send us an email at

the crewCheers!

Last Meals

Breakfast: Five eggs scrambled in goose fat, plate full of steamed broccoli.

Lunch: Corned beef from my favourite diner. Dabs of made-from-scratch horseradish sauce. Cabbage, boiled and then marked on the grill.

…8oz of steamed half and half….

Supper: Roasted pork loin, hand rubbed with spices. Steamed broccoli and cauliflower.  Liberal dabs of homemade habanero hot sauce, aged 7 days. A few pieces of mature English cheddar.


I love you food. I know you’re not going anywhere.

Time to do some science.


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