Category Archives: Groundwork

Breakdown of Infrared Radiation

One of the most common concerns about our project to extend human vision into the near infrared goes something like this:

If you’re going to see infrared light, won’t the heat from blood vessels in your eyes prevent you from seeing anything with any clarity at all?


In short, the answer is no. This is a common misconception created by such pop culture phenomena as the Predator film franchise and perpetuated by poorly written popsci articles which use the term “infrared” as a blanket category for any radiant energy longer than 700nm without specifying exactly what range of the radiant spectrum is being discussed.

SFM Dietary Protocols: Depleting Retinol

SFM Dietary Protocols: Depleting Retinol

Jeffrey Tibbetts

Our project to replace Rhodopsin with Porphyropsin in the human eye in order to affect a shift of the range of light that is perceivable can easily be summed up in three steps: deplete stores of vitamin A, administer A2, and measure the changes that occur. While these summations are valid, they don’t do justice to the intricacies involved in each step. This section discusses the steps taken to deplete retinol levels.

Vitamin A2 in the Body–George Wald & the Porphyropsin Visual System

First of all, I’d like to apologize for the long wait between blog posts. Things have been a bit hectic for the SFM team, but that’s no excuse for leaving our readers & backers hanging.

In a previous post, we summarized some of the ways by which the human body obtains, transports, stores, and utilizes retinoids, collectively referred to as vitamin A. In this post, we’ll be discussing in more depth the ways retinol/retinal is used in human vision, and a means to metabolically hack this process using vitamin A2–the focus of our current research project.

The Human Visual System


Vitamin A in the Body – a Beginner’s Metabolic Pathway

The human physiology is an electrochemical machine of astounding complexity. There are many proteins, enzymes, and hormones at play in the human body about which only the vaguest of guesses as to their function can be made. A good start at understanding the human body, however, can be made by understanding what nutrients are required for survival, and what functions they play. As the saying goes, “you are what you eat”, and no machine left long without maintenance will function at the peak of its capabilities.

Let’s talk about adipose tissue….

Good morning test subjects,

We’ve covered this before, but I’m going to get a little more in depth here on the bodyhacking side of the work. It may get a bit ranty. Bear with me. References available upon request.

As you all are aware, we want to remove as much Vitamin A1 from the system as possible. Really scrub out the pipes so we don’t have any unwanted metabolic activity. A1 is stored in the liver and in the adipose tissue. Now, as there is no magical detox formula that clears the liver (there isn’t, I’m sorry, you in the back with the lemon juice and cayenne, sit down), we need to focus on reducing the amount of adipose tissue in the body. The fat.